Abby LaRue is primarily a painter and an illustrator. Process-wise, her paintings and illustrations are made through layering techniques. In oil painting, this refers to underpainting, blocking shadows and highlights, and using linseed oil and terpentine to control drying times of every layer in order to ensure the paintings will not crack. Regarding illustration, layering is much moe simple and is executed by LaRue through the initial building up of shadows and preserving the final layers to be highlights. This process ensures that every work has remarkable depth and range of values. Aside from her main mediums of oil paint and charcoal, she also has experience in digitial art, sculpture, stained glass, and photography, amoung other things. She is contsantly exploring new mediums as a means of creation and expression, no matter how unconventional or even purely traditional. In all of the senses of the word, she is a creator. Growing up in Southern California, she now attends UC San Diego where she is pursuing a Studio Arts degree. Her core motivators for creation stem around identity, self, and perspective. This is reflected in her work, as she constantly incoorporates her own personal perspective in her art. Whether this lense is conveyed through a literal recreation of how she viewed a particular scene, or more abstractly through conveying emotions and prevelant concepts in her disposition towards life, her work undoubtedly holds layers of self reflection.